How does it work?

Each shop contains a selection of wrapped gifts, ideal for special occasions. One gift of each type is left unwrapped as a ‘display’ item – so your customers see the gift and take away a ready-wrapped one. We also supply the gift-wrap in case you sell the display item and need to wrap it up. Wrapped gifts are priced at £2.40 each.

UNWRAPPED SHOPS – We now offer our gift selections totally unwrapped and without any wrapping papers or bows included. These shops come in the same size options as the gift-wrapped ones and are designed for groups who wish to add value by wrapping themselves. Unwrapped gifts are priced at £2.00.

All gifts have recommended selling price of at least £3 and often more.

Parents and children love it because

a) the children don’t have to wrap their presents and

b) children can keep the present a secret. It’s easy fundraising with no stress and very few volunteers.

How much will we raise?

You can raise lots of money very easily with your Fundraising Gift Shop!

Each gift costs you just £2.40. If you sell at the recommended £3 then you make 60p – £1 per gift sold (depending on if you wrapped the gifts yourselves).

Why run a shop?

It’s easy to raise money with a Fundraising Gift Shop!

• Children love it.

• You only need a few volunteers for the duration of the shop.

• Your risk is minimal as you can order a precise number of gifts to match your expected sales.

• It’s something different.

• Parents and families love getting a gift genuinely chosen by children.

• It really is hassle free!

How does it work for Schools and PTAs?

Fundraising Gift Shops at School

One of the most successful ways of raising funds through a Gift Shop is to hold a shop at school.

The idea is that the shop is held during the school day so that pupils can buy gifts as a surprise for parents and siblings – when they take them home they are already wrapped so there is no guessing what they’ve bought!

If you advertise the shop well, then almost all the pupils will bring in money as they will all get a chance to browse and choose a gift/gifts. We recommend that in your advertising you suggest a maximum amount children can bring (for example £6 per child – two gifts). This helps prevent pupils bringing all their pocket money in and spending too much, but also gives parents some guidance about how much money they should send in – as well as giving you an idea of how much stock to order.

You lay out all the gifts in the hall, bring in a couple of classes at a time, and sell! All you need are volunteers to run the shop for a couple of hours.

Each wrapped gift costs you just £2.40. If you sell at the recommended £3 then you make 60p – £1 per gift sold (depending on if you wrapped the gifts yourselves as unwrapped gifts are £2.00 each).

So if you sell 100 gifts then you have made £60 – £100 with very little effort! And if you are a larger school or organisation, selling 400 or more gifts then you could make £240 – £400 in just a couple of hours.